The Missing Serendipity

There’s something missing from the vast majority of online platforms, to one degree or another. The standard video conferencing applications are the worst culprits, but even those which bring back a little serendipity such as Clubhouse have something missing.

Almost all of these platforms ultimately boil down to one, or a few, people providing content to a passive audience. Sometimes that audience can interact with each other through a side channel such as text chat, but there’s still a very limited ability to mingle and network at best.

Spatial chat starts to bring back that networking ability, giving the opportunity for guests at an event to truly act as guests. With map design you can arrange for chance meetings in corridors as people move from section to section of an event, or small tables where people can gather to chat in groups, take part in activities, play games, or discuss the main content being presented among themselves.

We chose Gather as our platform for online venues for exactly this reason. The ability for people to bump into old friends, or make new ones at an event, to wander around, walk up to conversations, or split off and have separate conversations in a natural, organic way transformed the social events we were running and ReuniVous was founded on a desire to provide this same opportunity to others.

It’s one of those things that’s hard to explain, and it’s difficult to understand the difference in social interaction that you get using one of our virtual venues compared to a more traditional video conferencing platform, it has to be experienced. This is why we run tours of our virtual offices, and regular open social events, to let you experience for yourself what a difference it can make, and what we can do for you.